Quest types

In-game screen

Quest screen with categories: story, event, special, and daily
  • ノーマル/ストーリー normal/story. These are the main story quests. The “normal” quests, which introduce you to the different gimmicks and difficulties, are also in this section.
  • イベント event. Limited-time (期間限定) and regularly rotating (定常) quests can be found here.
  • スペシャル special. This section includes raid bosses (団結クエスト), the ranking quest (ランキングクエスト), Tower of the Queen (タワーオブザクイーン), traversal quests (トラバーサルクエスト), locked quests (ロッククエスト), accessor quests (アクセサクエスト), and strength tests (適合者能力テスト).
  • デイリー daily. Quests that can be cleared once per day are here.

Special quests

Raid bosses are quests with one floor where you try to defeat a boss that has very high HP. There is a turn limit, and the damage you deal to the boss during this period gets added to the total damage dealt by you and other players. You can challenge the boss as many times as you want until it is defeated.

The ranking quest is held roughly once per month. You get points for every floor that you clear, and lose points whenever you take damage. You can't bring helper units from your friends, and there are usually special restrictions, e.g. only cost 60 and lower units allowed.

In Tower of the Queen, you start with the least difficult quest and it gets more difficult as you go along. There's a total of 30 floors. You can get cost 59 and cost 69 QUEEN units from the 12th and 15th floors respectively.

Traversal is a bingo-style mode where you get rewards for clearing all the quests on the card. You have to use a different team for each quest; units can't be reused.

Locked quests require keys to play, and they include concluded event quests, materials quests, etc. You can attempt a quest for free once per day.

Accessor quests are where you get accessors from. Their energy cost is halved on certain days.

You have to clear strength tests to unlock higher quest difficulties.


  • 初級 beginner, consumes 5 energy
  • 上級 advanced, 10 energy
  • ウィザード wizard, 20 energy
  • ウィザード ultra wizard, 40 energy
  • ウィザード extreme wizard, 80 energy
  • ウィザード manic wizard, 100 energy
  • ディザスター disaster, 160 energy
  • 超ディザスター ultra disaster, 200 energy
  • 極ディザスター extreme disaster, 200 energy