Various screen captures I've taken over the years I've been playing CraFe. Mostly old event stuff that can no longer be experienced ingame. Apologies for the somewhat inconsistent dimensions; I had already cropped some of them in the past without saving the originals.
Note: I am not an active archivist—these are just recordings and screenshots I happen to still have saved that I thought would be fun to share. If you're looking for a specific asset or graphic, I am not the person to ask.
Title screens
Super ALICE Quest April 2018 (2.5.3) |
ALICE/GAME October 2019 (4.5) |
Hatsune Miku collab January 2020 |
ALICE/LAST TRAVEL March 2020 (5.0) |
FMA collab – Pride |
FMA collab – Elric brothers |